We should aware what is Ankylosing Spondylitis ?

There are many diseases that we are not aware of and by the time we get to know about the disease, it grows more terrible. Today we are going to tell you about one such disease in this article, about which very few people know. And the name of this disease is Ankylosing Spondylitis.

This is a disease that is not detected at once, gradually when this disease increases, and then it is known about it. This disease starts with a minor pain which slowly starts to become very much with time.

A person suffering from Ankylosing spondylitis should consult a rheumatologist. Ankylosing spondylitis is an airthritis type of deases which causes joint pain, back pain and neck pain. Ankylosing spondylitis is a disease of immune system .

What is Ankylosing Spondylitis?

It is a disease that mostly occurs in men. And affect men aged 15 to 40 years more. It is not that the problem does not occur in females but mostly in males. If you feel stiffness in the lower part of your waist after getting up in the morning, then it can be the initial symptoms of arthritis of the waist. There may be right side pain in the lower part and sometimes left side pain. And this pain gradually increases with time. If you start treating this disease in the beginning, then it can be cured in time.

Your body develops an inflammatory cell inside you and creates its anti-body. It is placed in the category of chaotic inflammatory rheumatic disease. This is a rare disorder. Which are found in very few people

Inflammation starts in the particular area of the spine and also causes pain. This is a disease in which their own immunity attacks their own joints. Sometimes this pain also occurs in the knees, shoulders, and neck. This also reduces blood supply to the waist. This can cause swelling of the feet and entire fingers of the hand. Sometimes it also affects the eyes as the eyes turn red. Genetic and Environmental are the reasons for this. This is a lifelong problem. This is an autoimmune disorder.

What are the symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis?

  • The first symptoms are pain and stiffness.
  • Due to the pain and stiffness in the bones of the upper waist of our waist, there are also effects in the ribs.
  • This causes a breathing problem as well as symptoms of kyposis.
  • When your waist starts to ache along with neck and hips, then understand that this is a symptom of Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • When this disease occurs, you also have difficulty in doing daily activities.

What are the causes of Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Till now no one or proper cause of this disease has been reported, there are no serious reasons for which this disease is caused. There is just one reason that are considered more and those reasons are heredity. This disease is seen more due to genetic which you have got from your descendants. This disease is detected by the positive arrival of HLA-B27 Gene.

What is the treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis?

There are four goals of treatment. According to whom treatment should be done.

  • Relief of pain
  • Maintaining your normal functions
  • Prevention and treatment of complications
  • Maintains of social and psychology normalcy
  • Change your diet – have low fat diet, low protein diet, no smoking, no drinking, no oily food, and do regular exercis
  • These are some essential remedies that you should do
  •  Maintain your Healthy lifestyle
  • Do not smoking
  • If you are overweight and reduce
  • Daily exercise
  • Take therapies (heat and cold therapies)


  • There are some blood test that you should to do
  • Blood test
  • HLA-B27 GENE test
  • x-ray

Exercise to be avoided in ankylosing spondylitis –

There are some exercises that we should avoid in this disease because a wrong exercise can increase your problem. So you should not do any exercise without consulting a physiotherapist. We will tell you about some exercises that you should not do in this disease.

  • Any exercise that would put pressure on the spine
  • Weight – body weight and external weight
  • Excessive stretching or bending
  • Exercise that put pressure on the hips if help inflammation

Skipping – this is a high impact exercise which is too much of pressure on the spine. Definitely you need to avoid skipping in ankylosing spondylitis.

Avoid weight lifting – the pressure on the spine when you are lifting this weight. So weight lifting definitely avoided in anklyosing spondylitis.

Avoid dead lifts – definitely you need to avoid dead lifts in this disease

Too much of stretching or banding pressure on the spine. And you have to avoid all the exercises that put pressure on your spine. If you have significant spinal stiffness or fusion. These exercise that starch and that requires the neck or spine to lean backwards are to be avoided.

  • Significant fusion
  • Spinal stiffness
  • Avoid exercises or starches that requires neck
  • Spine to lean backwards
  • High risk of fractures.
  • Scouts- scouts, semi scouts that put pressure on the hips. And defiantly need to be avoided if one has inflammation

There are some exercises that we should do in anklyosing spondlities

  • Warming
  • Posture stretch
  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Trunk side stretch
  • Neck rotation
  • Pelvic tilting
  • Back and hip rotation
  • Trunk rotation
  • Cat stretch
  • Superman stretch
  • Hamstring stretch

You should do all these exercises only after you have concern with a physiotherapist.

We should follow the following diet –

We must have eat the food which do not increase our weight like – green vegetable and healthy food. and we should eat the food which allow are body to do exercise properly and do not make our body lazy. we must have not eat junk food like burgers, pizza, ptashi etc. and the food which do not contain more calories in it.

we should eat low starch food like

fish, egg, milk products

we should eat the vegetable  which have low starch like –

  • cauliflower
  • cabbage
  • cucumber
  • brinjal
  • onion
  • tomato
  • mushroom
  • spinach
  • trumpet
  • radish
  • Low starch fruits –
  • apple
  • pineapple
  • citrus food like – orange, lemon , etc