Best Nursing Colleges in India with Scholarship Programs

17 December, 2024

Best Nursing Colleges in India with Scholarship Programs: Like many other medical fields, the nursing field is also growing rapidly and is in very high demand. From assisting doctors in large hospitals to serving militants on the field they play a very important role in our lives. There are many opportunities for nurses now. New online, offline, diploma courses and certificate courses are launched. Many colleges added nursing courses to their institutions. New schools and institutions are designed especially for them.

Nurses have more responsibility than doctors. They are the one who acts as a bridge between patient and senior doctor. They take care of their patients with utmost attention, note down their slightest problems, and sometimes treat them like their own family members and children. Some professional nurses even diagnose the patient’s health conditions prescribe their medicines and can do medical tests.

Many nursing courses are offered at different levels in India. The basic eligibility for the nursing field is 10 + 2 having Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as their main subject. Offered courses are diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate. If you wish to continue this career in the future you can apply in the teaching field too.

Best Colleges in India for Nursing Programs with Scholarships

Here’s a list of the best colleges in India which are best for nursing programs with scholarships.

  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
  • West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS)
  • Manipal Academy of Higher Education;
  • Christian Medical College, Vellore
  • Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute.
  • Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
  • Army College of Nursing, Jalandhar
  • Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
  • Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University
  • Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh
  • Armed Forces Medical College, Wanawadi Rd, Wanowrie, Pune, Maharashtra.
  • College of Nursing, Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC)

Reasons for the Study of Nursing Degree

Online Nursing degrees can make studying easier by just sitting at home. Lots of universities and schools are providing the courses even at cheap and affordable prices. There are many diplomae and certificate courses for studying and learning.

Freedom to work in other countries- If you have academic knowledge then you can teach anywhere in the world and also if you know the local language then you will find no problem. The same is in this medical profession or in nursing too. Some states are more developed than others, the medical tools and systems might be different, but the role of nurses is the same.

Of course, the Nursing diploma and experience need to be recognized to work as a nurse abroad. In some countries, you might need to pass additional examinations to prove your skills. Private clinics might offer a higher income, while other workplaces can offer a flexible work schedule. It’s all about finding the professional environment that works for you. Nurses can have the opportunity to work in various places such as-

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  • Nursing homes
  • Private clinics
  • Schools
  • Military bases

It is a job that makes difference in his/ her patient’s life. Nurses do more than giving medicine and treat wounds, they care about the patients they care for, and help them in improving their lives and disease outcomes. As a nurse, they have the chance to leave a positive mark on someone’s life almost daily.

Nursing is a well-respected work. With the long-held reputation of being compassionate healers, nurses consistently rank highly in Gallup research polls for honesty and ethical standards in various fields. In 2016, nurses topped the list with 84​ percent of the public rating their standards as “high” or “very high,” a position the profession has held for the past 15 years.

Professional Development Opportunities- On normal days being in any field, you get to learn a lot of things. There is the same in the nursing field, you’ll likely learn something new on the job every day, with ample on-the-job training and professional development opportunities. Plus, once you get Bachelors’s and Science in Nursing, more advanced nursing degree options become available to you, including nurse practitioner, nurse anesthetist, nurse leader, and nurse educator.

Competitive Salary- The average nursing pay scale in the U.S. In March 2019, The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that between May 2017 and May 2018, registered nurses brought in a median salary of $71,730 per year – a 3.7% increase compared to the previous year. The majority of nurses make from $48,690 to $104,100 annually. But the Registered nurse salaries can vary but the average annual pay for registered nurses was $75,510, according to 2018 BLS data. The top 90th percentile earned an annual salary of $106,530.

Nursing helps in steady industrial growth. Nurses in India are the most in-demand occupation due to the state’s nursing shortage. Due to increased access to health insurance, and advances in healthcare that extend the average life span. In the Covid-19 crisis since 2019 end, their demands increased by 50%.

Scholarship Programs for Students in Nursing College

SNA-TNAI– SNA is a Student Nurses Association of India under TNAI. TNAI has been giving scholarships to nursing students since 1943. They have been granting scholarships of INR 24000 for pursuing graduation, post-graduation, and diploma courses in nursing

Lila Poonawalla Foundation– LPF offers scholarships from class 7th to Undergraduate and postgraduate in all fields and in nursing also. But this scholarship program is especially for girls belonging to a very low background. They provide scholarships up to Rs.1, 10,000/- to deserving girl students pursuing B.Sc. Nursing and Rs 45,000/- for M.Sc. Nursing Students.

MCM Scholarship– This is a Merit Cum Means Scholarship from the Government of India for students who want to achieve their dreams by studying. This is given to meritorious students or the students who cannot avail the expenses of their studies belonging to low-income families.

Symbiosis Society Foundation Scholarship– This society provides scholarships to the students who join Symbiosis Institute for different graduate and post-graduate programs. They provide Scholarships up to Rs.24000/ – to the student of B.Sc. Nursing.

This is a guide to the best nursing colleges in India with scholarship programs. Make a search today to understand more about India’s nursing colleges that offer the best scholarship programs.