Electronic Components: Everything Need to Know

2 January, 2025

Electronic components understand the workings of electrical circuits. Over the past few years, the application of electronic science has been expanding due to the wide variety of electronic components.

There are five varieties of electronic components available. Electronic components are classified into two parts: the first part is the passive components, and the second part is the active components.

This article explores information about electronic components, their applications, and more. If you want to learn information about electronic components and their applications, you are at the right place to learn.

Understanding Electronic Components

Electronic components are the basic devices in electrical systems that control the flow of electrons in the circuit. They are basic discrete electronic devices or physical entry parts of electronic systems that are used to affect electrons or their associated fields.

On the other hand, electronic components are electronic system devices that control the flow of electrons in the circuit. Capacitors, resistors, inductors, LEDs, diodes, crystal transistors, and oscillators are some of the most commonly used electronic components. Start a search today to learn the meaning of electronic components.

The Most Common Types Of Electronic Components

We know that an electronic circuit is an interconnection of electronic components. They are divided into two groups: the first is the passive components and the active components are the second group of electronic components. Here’s a closer look at the types of electronic components. If you are interested in knowing about the electronic components, then read below carefully!

Passive Components

Passive components are electronic devices that operate actively without an external power source. They don’t require actively amplifying or generating signals to resist, store, or control electronic current or voltage flow in a circuit. These passive components are necessary for inactive functions because the assembly of electronic circuits is not possible without these components. Passive components generally include resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Transformers, thermistors, diodes, varactors, and transducers are other passive components.

Here’s a closer look at the most important passive components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors.


Resistors are the most important passive components. They generally control the flow of current or voltage by offering resistance. They are perfect electronic components to limit current or voltage, divide it, and set biasing conditions in electronic circuits.

Also, they hold a range of applications; some of them often manage current flow, divide voltage, and more.


Capacitors are other passive components recognized for storing and releasing electrical energy. In electronic circuits, these passive components are typically used for decoupling, filtering, and energy storage. They are more popular than resistors because they have a higher capacitance that helps them store more energy.


Inductors are passive components used to store and release magnetic energy. Some applications like energy storage, filtering, and impedance matching use inductor components. These passive components hold a magnetic field to store energy and return it to the circuit whenever required.

They are classified into components, including iron core, air core, and ferrite.

Active Components

Active components are the second type of electronic components. Passive components do not require an external power source to operate actively, while active components require an external power source to work. These components actively control and manipulate the electric current flow in a circuit. These are used to amplify, switch, or generate electrical signals. Active components are used in electrical circuits in a wide range, as they perform active functions such as amplification, switching, and rectification. They are divided into two groups: the first group is the diodes, and the second group is the Transistor. Active components are the Diode, Transistor, and Integrated Circuits.


Diodes are the most important electronic component in the active category. These active components allow current to flow in a single direction. Rectification, switching, and single modulation applications use Diodes components to block electric current when it is reversely biased and forwardly biased. For example, integrated circuits (ICs), transistors, and sensors are active components that do not perform their functions without the required power.


The transistor is another active component in electronics. It is the perfect component to amplify electrical signals.

Transistors are used in digital logic circuits, amplifiers, and voltage regulators in a wide range. They function as both amplifiers and switches in most electronic circuits, making perfect components in electronics.

They are the perfect semiconductor devices that can store a zero when they are off or on.

Integrated Circuits (ICs)

Integrated Circuits (ICs) are other active components in electronics. They are small semiconductor chips on which several components, including transistors, resistors, and capacitors, are successfully fabricated. Their main functions are to offer high-level functions and tasks, such as complex digital calculations (signal processing & microprocessors) and amplification.

Generally, ICs are the perfect source to increase the efficiency of electronic devices.

Working of Electronic Components

It can be challenging to understand information on how electronic components work. An excellent online search can help you understand the workings of electronic components.

Electrical circuits require electronic components to perform many functions. Passive components do not need a source of energy to complete operations in electrical circuits. They mainly resist, store, or control electric current or voltage flow in electrical circuits. You can get information on how electronic components work through an online search.

The Most Common Functions of Electronic Components

Here’s a breakdown of the most common functions of electronic components.

  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Electric Switches
  • Diodes
  • Magnetic or Inductive Components
  • Transistors and Integrated Circuits or ICs


Electronic components play a crucial role in the working of electrical circuits. They have specific functions in electrical circuits. Passive components and active components are two types of electronic components.

This is just a guide to understanding electronic components. We’ve outlined here through the source given below. It’s recommended to read all aspects of electronic components before making decisions. Start a search today to explore more information on electronic components.


Understanding Electronic Components